Implementation of Data Visualization Berlin-Brandenburg Mobilty

Javascript, D3.js, HTML, CSS

This project is about to visualize the mobilty data between Berlin and the districts in Brandenburg. The source of the data is "Pendlerverflechtungen der sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten nach Ländern von Bundesagentur für Arbeit".

The GUI is designed by Jannik Heyne and Tom Lawerenz, and implemented by me and Maxim Mukhamadiev.


Android Application ToDo

Java, Android Studio, Room Database, SQLite

A task list application for android system. This is a project in my 4. Semester. The structure here is MVC. The application has local database, which was implemented with Room Database.


Artificial Intelligence Project


Pizzabot with route planning. The Hardware was made from LEGO blocks and motors, the software was written with ansi-C, and run on AKSEN-Board. There was a competition at the end of the project.


Pricely Webservice

Java, Spring boot, Thymeleaf

This is a price comparison webservice. The frontend part was implemented by Loic Melachio Tsayem, and the backend part was implemented by me.
